Think. Design. Transform.

Aspire to think, to design like an artist

Artists are people who have the courage to be original; they are change makers; they are innovators. They may be one in a hundred or a thousand in a million, but at the end of the day, they choose to design the life they want to live; they define themselves for themselves.

Think | Innovation & Design Strategy

Summary. Two months back, I wrote about asking simple questions. I explained what simple questions are and why they are important. I shared how simple questions are an often-overlooked gem, which, when employed, act as sparks, igniting the flame of curiosity. I also shared how it is through the art of asking simple questions that we unlock a profound
Good Morning everyone! I recently came across a quote on my friend’s LinkedIn page that said, “Faith it till we make it,” instead of the commonly used phrase “Fake it till you make it.” This quote resonated with me because it reminded me that, as Christians, we should have the courage to take action in faith and, while at
Summary. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, where complexity often reigns supreme, curiosity, a fuel for innovation is often missing. Yet, there exists an often-overlooked gem — simple questions — which when employed, act as sparks, igniting the flame of curiosity. The power of asking simple questions is not just a practical tool; it is a
Summary. Defining a problem effectively is easier said than done. When done correctly, a well-defined business problem can provide a competitive advantage: not only for the strategic possibilities generated but for the explorative opportunity that the process of defining a problem cultivates, allowing us to see the underlying, often deep-rooted issues driving the surface problems; without which, we probably
Summary. I like movies. Some weeks back, I rewatched Mad Men season 1, and one man stood out to me – Don Draper – for his mastery of words. Every word he spoke was designed to serve a purpose. Innovators are leaders. And leaders must influence. Understanding the art of communicating like a designer, like Don, can promote our
Summary. Innovation is the combination of invention with adoption. Yet, innovation is often interchanged with invention with a focus on technology. But invention is not innovation. And technologies do not determine innovation’s success. Business models do. To innovate successfully, we need to design our way to an end state with possibilities that are Desirable, Feasible, and Viable (DFV). Organizations
Ever wonder how many things we’ve missed? Ever wonder how many things we’ve passed by in a hurry to accomplish other things, hardly slowing down to smell the roses? I guess that is life. Life is what we make of it. We go through life in a hurry, chasing one goal for another. I captured this mural in downtown
Summary. Being able to run a competitive assessment, especially to manage through disruption is paramount these days. To do it effectively, one should assess primary, secondary, and tertiary competitors. Yet, this approach can become a challenge when required within a short time, leaving organizations with the option to focus mostly on primary competitors in order to deliver efficiently. The
Challenge Transforming everyday banking N26 is a mobile bank with over 7 million customers. The company is set to revolutionise the industry by creating a bank people love to use. N26 offers a range of features for different financial needs, like day to day payments, international transfers, budgeting, splitting the bill, insurances and more.  My role: As a senior researcher,
Challenge Transforming everyday banking N26 is a mobile bank with over 7 million customers. The company is set to revolutionise the industry by creating a bank people love to use. N26 offers a range of features for different financial needs, like day to day payments, international transfers, budgeting, splitting the bill, insurances and more.  My role: As a senior researcher,

Design | Photography

Design | Photography | Studio Booth | Gallery Booth

Welcome to Studio Booth, my lab! Here, you will find some intriguing contents that enabled me to design better, expanded my creative limits, and drove my curiosity. These contents are free to download.
All I ask: please tag me as the artist on your channel, should you use any of my content and if possible, donate to my work. Enjoy!

Design | Photography | Studio Booth | Gallery Booth

Welcome to my Gallery Booth! Here, I hope to showcase art from a place of realism, authenticity, and obsession for a different perspective. I apply minimal editing to my art because I believe art, like life, is imperfect and should be viewed from that perspective.Please join me as we walk through each photo together. Enjoy!


Transform | Digital Transformation | Social Transformation


Transform | Digital Transformation | Social Transformation
