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Faith it Till We Make it — A Letter for Us All

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Good Morning everyone!


I recently came across a quote on my friend’s LinkedIn page that said, “Faith it till we make it,” instead of the commonly used phrase “Fake it till you make it.” This quote resonated with me because it reminded me that, as Christians, we should have the courage to take action in faith and, while at it, boldly proclaim God’s glory.


When God asked Abraham to leave his home for a new place that God would show him, Abraham obeyed with boldness and faith (Genesis 12:1-3). Moving is tough. For those who have tried it, they understand. You leave everything you know for the unfamiliar. There is a degree of comfort that comes with sticking to what we are familiar with, to what is known. Yet, despite his old age, Abraham obeyed with boldness and faith. And while he was on the journey, he built an altar of sacrifice along the way to proclaim the glory of the Lord (Genesis 13:3-4).


To me, I think it was Abraham’s way of telling God: Even as I journey to the unknown, I will praise you and give you my best because I know that you, Lord, are with me; I enter with boldness because I know that you are Lord. This is the spirit-filled boldness.


As we grow in spiritual maturity, we build a foundation of faith with boldness by the infilling of the holy spirit. And though there may be days when our confidence fails, and we might want to hesitate before stepping into God’s calling or obeying his instructions; with prayer, we are able to connect with God’s great mission. Prayer creates immunity to intimidation;pivoting us from uncertainty to unstoppable boldness (Spirit-filled Boldness, Day 19, Page 54).


And as we have received our foundation by faith, even so, we have received all of God’s promise by faith. He has given us the priviledge to come boldy to him in our ask; the same way Abraham went boldy on the journey, knowing undoubtedly that the Lord will provide.


Sometimes, it is not the destination that matters, it is the act of faith with boldness to begin the journey. As we grow in spiritual maturity, let’s build a foundation of faith with boldness and proclamation of God’s glory. As we grow in spiritual maturity, let’s build a foundation of faith to ask and receive God’s blessings. And while we are at it, on our journey to being Christ-like, we “Faith it till we make it”, boldly proclaiming God’s glory (2 Cor. 3:12-18).