


nnovation strategist with over a decade of experience spanning two continents – Africa and North America – where I have 

nnovation strategist with over a decade of experience spanning two continents – Africa and North America – where I have built business models and designed products, solutions, and services for clients’ most complex needs, primarily in water, oil and gas, and finance industries to deliver sustainable growth.

built business models and designed products, solutions, and services for clients’ most complex needs, primarily in water, oil and gas, and finance industries to deliver sustainable growth.

I aspire to think like an artist and design organizations to operate efficiently, innovate effectively, and accelerate customer experience.

Growing up in Nigeria, I enjoyed taking pictures of my family during events. Often lost in the art, I would forget to include myself in the pictures. I was more interested in capturing the moments for my family. Today, my passion for photography is apparent in other areas of my life, including my career, where I enjoy telling stories with pictures, data, and words to inspire and engage people.

In my spare time, you may find me camping in a remote location, playing a sport, watching a movie, or engrossed in an intellectual discussion on global issues such as African leadership and global policy. I plan to build a leadership center in sub-Saharan Africa to promote innovation and infrastructure development.