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Asking Simple Questions

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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, where complexity often reigns supreme, curiosity, a fuel for innovation is often missing. Yet, there exists an often-overlooked gem — simple questions — which when employed, act as sparks, igniting the flame of curiosity. The power of asking simple questions is not just a practical tool; it is a mindset that opens doors to deeper understanding, effective communication, and successful problem-solving. So, how might we nurture the skill of asking simple questions given all the advantages?

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” I love this quote, made famous by Steve Jobs during his Stanford commencement address, which he originally took from the last page of the Whole Earth Catalog published in October 1974. The quote remains dear to my heart because it underscores the need for simplicity, continuous learning, and curiosity — fundamental traits that fuel innovation, creativity, and discovery.


Yet, in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, where complexity often reigns supreme, curiosity, a fuel for innovation is often missing. And there exists an often-overlooked gem — simple questions — which when employed, act as sparks, igniting the flame of curiosity. In our quest for knowledge and understanding, we often find ourselves entangled in the intricate webs of elaborate inquiries. Yet, it is in the art of asking simple questions that we unlock a profound depth of understanding and insight. Simple questions serve as a breath of fresh air in the pursuit of knowledge, cutting through the noise and allowing us to grasp the essence of a matter with clarity. In this fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity, embracing the power of simplicity through asking simple questions can provide that much-needed breath of fresh air required to innovate effectively and efficiently.


One might wonder, “Why are simple questions so powerful for innovating?” The answer lies in their accessibility. Simple questions transcend barriers, making them applicable and easy to comprehend. They bridge gaps in communication, fostering connections between people and ideas. Simple questions possess a unique ability to distill complex issues into manageable components, breaking down intricate problems into smaller, more digestible parts, serving as a guiding light that cuts through the layers of complexity to reveal the core issue. This approach of leveraging simple questions from a curiosity standpoint, not only makes problem-solving more approachable but also encourages a deeper understanding of the subject at hand. Consider the power of a question like, “Can you elaborate on that?” or “What do you mean?” These simple prompts invite clarity and create an environment where ideas can be unpacked and examined with a fresh perspective, opening the gateway to innovating and designing user-centered solutions.


Still, one might wonder, “Why are simple questions so powerful for innovating?” The answer lies in their ability to stoke learning and growth — learning about our customers, our capabilities, and our innovative ideas. The journey of learning is paved with questions, and the simplest inquiries often lead to the most profound discoveries. Simple questions can provoke profound reflection. They force us to pause and consider the essence of a situation, encouraging us to delve deeper into our thoughts. In a fast-paced world, where answers are often sought in the immediacy of information, taking the time to reflect can provide a breath of fresh air and lead to a more comprehensive understanding. Taking the time to ask our customers simple questions that delve deeper into our services, products, and capabilities, can help us to reset quicker and get on track.


Looking backwards to connect the dots, I have found that asking simple questions is not a sign of ignorance but rather a testament to the courage to seek understanding. It is the acknowledgement that my journey to knowledge need not be convoluted; instead, it can be a straightforward and enriching experience.


So, how might we nurture the skill of asking simple questions given all the advantages? To me, I could think of three ways (which is not an exhaustive list): Listening to understand, uncovering assumptions, and seeking context on processes, business, customers, etc.


When we listen to understand, it paves the way to ask simple sophisticated questions, which serve as the compass in the vast landscape of knowledge, preventing us from getting lost in the labyrinth of complexity. When we listen to understand, we clarify definitions, become less focused on terminologies, and more interested in understanding meanings. When we listen to understand, it opens the opportunity to uncover assumptions, which often clouds our understanding of the world. Simple questions act as mirrors, reflecting our underlying beliefs and biases. By challenging these assumptions, we create room for a more objective and unbiased perspective, allowing for a broader and more inclusive worldview.



In a world that often glorifies complexity, we sometimes forget the profound elegance that lies in simplicity. The power of asking simple questions is not just a practical tool; it is a mindset that opens doors to deeper understanding, effective communication, and successful problem-solving. It is a skill worth honing. So, the next time we find ourselves grappling with the intricacies of a situation, let’s take a step back, and ask a simple question. We may find that the answers we seek are often hidden in the beauty of simplicity. “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”