How I Work

Designing innovation strategies always starts with the customer (See Guiding Principles). Often, I have two customers I serve.   

To deliver successfully, I must look outside-in, NOT inside-out.

External – customers
Internal – company

The mission should I choose to accept is to design possibilities that the customers can accept from the company because it adds value to them.

– excerpt from the Mission Impossible movie franchise

As the Greeks would say, I am a student of Clay Christensen, Roger Martins, and Alex Osterwalder. My technique is a blend of their methods with my observations of nature and artists, including filmmakers such as Denis Villeneuve and James Cameron.


I follow three principles here:

Do the “Gemba” Walk

Listen to the Voice of the
Customer (VOC)

Implement Lean Six Sigma
“DMAIC” method


I follow three principles here:

Do the “Gemba” Walk

Listen to the Voice of the
Customer (VOC)

Implement Lean Six Sigma
“DMAIC” method

Map out the current state of the organization; Introduce the Strategy Process Map to frame a question, craft possibilities, identify barriers, and test to learn

Blend the Strategy Process Map with the Strategy Choice Cascade to determine the Winning Aspirations, Where to Play, How To Win, Capabilities, and Management Systems for the chosen strategic possibility

Design the business model required by identifying the value proposition and offering; building prototypes to test and learn; and collecting evidence from the users

– Strategy Process Map and Choice Cascade from IDEO